Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

Tugas. 3 Confirm and Request Letter

1.     Request Letter

Kenichi Matsuyama
Manager, HR Department
Seattle Prospects Pvt Ltd
8856 Holsted
April, 20th 2016

Dear Mr. Ken                                                                                                                                   
          I am writing to request a re-scheduling of my meeting appointment with your esteemed company which was scheduled on May 15th 2016 at 3pm. I was called for an interview with Seattle Prospects Pvt Ltd for the post of Assistant Coordinator for Sales and Services Department.                                                                                                                                                            I am unable to make it for the said meetiing as there is a recent bereavement in my family which requires my full attention and presence outside the country at the moment. I will be back by May 22nd 2016 for a rescheduled interview.
   I believe that my relevant qualifications and 5 years of marketing experience make me a relevant candidate for the mentioned post. My records with previous employments have been impeccable as to attitude and performance. 
 I appeal to your kind consideration on my request. I can be contacted at sampeoerna@yahoo.com for any clarification.I await your kind response.

Thank you.

With best regards,
Kengo Kobayashi.

2.     Confirm Letter

Mrs. Fubuki
Study team
Saito school
P.O. Box 62000-00200, Nairobi

12 August, 2016

Dear Fubuki,

We are very pleased to inform you that you are nominated to be a member of our study team. We are waiting your joining and will be at an advantage to have you in our team. To be fully part of our team first you will be required to go through our training program which includes taking a written exam and also and oral interview so that we will be able to review your skills. If you have any questions to the nomination please make sure to contact us before you join.

You will be required to be at our school on 12th Monday June and you can stay with us for us long as you want.          

We also thank you for the application you send earlier. For further clarification please contact us on (+645)7862718261.          

